Antioxidant Treatment Cream 50g


(2 customer reviews)



SKU: 003 Category:


76% ORGANIC and 99,9% NATURAL. For All Skin Types, Mature, Sensitive and Sun-damaged skin. Unscented, Non-comedogenic. A non greasy cream with high penetration power. HIGH in NATURALLY OCCURRING antioxidants, SOD enzymes, Beta Glucans, Polysaccharides, Tripeptides, Betulinic Acid, amino acids, ionized minerals and vitamins. Anti-inflammatory. Ultimately restores a healthy, youthful and vibrant glow to the skin. Leaves skin matte. Can be used under make-up.


Effective for skin detoxification, circulation, skin’s cell renewal, collagen and elastin production, wrinkle reduction, rough skin texture, thinning skin, dull looking-skin, skin puffiness, free-radical damage, premature aging of skin, sun damage, sun burns, enlarged pores, mature scars, skin damage from chemotherapy. Also effective for dermatitis, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, skin rashes and other skin ailments.


-Detoxifies, nourishes, hydrates and regenerates the skin on a cellular level.

-Oxygenates and energizes the skin.

-Protect skin from signs of daily stress and free-radical damage.

-Gently exfoliates the skin and increases the activity of the enzymes

-Brings extra nutritive elements for sensitive and aging skin.

-Stimulates skin cell regeneration and skin renewal.

-Significantly increases collagen and elastin production and improves skin elasticity.

-Significantly reduces the appearance, contours and depth of lines and wrinkles.

-Improves skin texture and reduces the pore size.

-Promotes younger-looking skin with a refined texture.

-Improves dull looking-skin and enhances skin radiance.

-Visibly corrects the first signs of aging skin.

-Improves capillary circulation and enhances blood flow to the skin.

-Increases capillary elasticity.

-Reduces premature aging of skin due to sun exposure.

-Helps heal skin damage from ultraviolet rays, chemicals and pollutants.

-Promotes deep tissue healing.

-Provides cellular repair.

-Helps remove damaged collagen and elastin from the scar tissue.

-Reduces scars.

-SKIN AILMENTS: Improves the immune function of the skin. Effective in decreasing eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea, skin rashes and other skin ailments. Also helps reduce itchy skin, swelling, inflammation, and discomfort associated with skin ailments.

Quickly absorbs into the skin cells without an oily after feeling and leaves skin matte. Immediately hydrates the skin and skin appears smoother. Use morning and night, under make-up. Apply to a cleansed face, neck, hands or any part of the body where needed.


Within 30 days, significantly increases in collagen and elastin production. The rate of skin renewal increased by 37%. Within 2-4 weeks, decreased the dull skin tones and sun damage. Within 2-3 weeks, visibly corrects the first signs of aging skin. Within 4-6 weeks, the number, depth and size of wrinkles are significantly reduced. Within 4 weeks, decreased in mature scars. Within 2-3 months significantly reduced rough skin texture, premature aging of skin due to sun exposure and enlarged pores.

SKIN AILMENTS: Acute skin conditions – skin rashes react immediately to Antioxidant Treatment. Itch and irritation are almost always reduced quickly. Within 2 weeks, reduced dermatitis, eczema, rosacea and psoriasis. Within 2-3 months of regular use, reported significant improvement in long term dermatitis, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis (Used with Nutritional Supplement / EartHerbs Chaga Mushroom Extract).

ALL SKIN AILMENTS FROM HELICOBACTER PYLORY: Within 2-3 months of regular use, reported significant improvement. Antioxidant Treatment used in conjunction with Nutritional Supplements / EartHerbs Chaga Mushroom and Mumio Extract. Click here about Mumio Extract.


Clinical Studies after 2 weeks of regular use (morning and night)

– 94% reported a decrease in Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis and Rosacea.

Clinical Studies after 4 weeks of regular use (morning and night)

– 99% reported their skin felt renewed with improved texture and skin looked healthier and more youthful.

– 98% reported an improvement of sun damage.

– 96% reported a lessening of wrinkles and lines.

– 74% reported a decrease in the number of enlarged pores.

– 62% reported a decrease in mature scars.

Clinical Studies after 8 weeks of regular use (morning and night)

– 97% reported a significant and visible decrease in the number, depth, size of wrinkles and small lines.

– 96% reported an improvement in skin radiance.

Clinical Studies after 12 weeks of regular use (morning and night)

– 97% of participants reported significantly reduced rough skin texture. Skin with the rough texture began to take on a porcelain-like appearance.

– 95% reported a significant and visible decrease in the premature aging of skin. (Used in conjunction with Nutritional Supplement / EartHerbs Siberian Chaga Mushroom Extract)

– 92% of participants reported significant improvement in long term Dermatitis, Eczema, Rosacea, Psoriasis. (Used in conjunction with Nutritional Supplement / EartHerbs Siberian Chaga Mushroom Extract)

– 80% of participants reported reduced visible pore size.

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Wild Harvested Siberian Chaga Mushroom, Mumio, Vitamin C Ester (Ascorbyl Palmitate), Alpha Lipoic Acid, Jojoba Oil Organic, Avocado Oil Organic, Coconut Virgin Oil Organic, Proprietary Blend of Rose Absolut & Ionized Trace Mineral Complex, Vitamin E (Mixed Natural Tocopherols and Tocotrienols), Aloe Vera Juice Organic, Certified Organic water of Green Tea.

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Cocoa Butter, Beeswax, Lecithin, Emulsifying Wax (Vegetable Based), Stearic acid (Vegetable Fat), Germall Plus (free from parabens).

Eartherbs L.L.C., NY 13030 USA
Farmakon OÜ

2 reviews for Antioxidant Treatment Cream 50g

  1. Estonian

    Violetta Mulgimaalt

    Mõned aastad tagasi tekkis mu näonahale, suu ja nina piirkonda, punetav ja sügelev lööve. Arst diagnoosis rosaatsea ja teatas, et tegemist on nahahaigusega, mis on eluaegne. Allub küll kangetele ravimitele kuid päris terveks sellest haigusest ei pidavat saama. Olin endast väljas, kuna lugesin, et selle haiguse tagajärjel võib tekkida nn mugulnina… Õnneks kohtasin inimest, kes soovitas mulle Farmakoni tooteid. Kuna nahahaigused saavad üljuhul alguse organismist, oli kõigepealt oluline organismi puhastada ja tugevdada. Selleks sobis hästi Farmakoni kasekäsna ekstrakt, mis on sarnastest toodetest erinev selle poolest, et toorainet pole kuumutatud, tänu millele on kõik organismile vajalik täiel määral ekstraktis säilinud. Lisaks hakkasin kasutama Farmakoni antioksüdantilist kreemi. Kuna oli suvine aeg, viibisin mõõdukalt ka päikese käes. Juba paari nädala möödudes hakkas lööve minu nahalt taanduma ja kuu ajaga oli nahk täiesti puhas! Selleks, et tulemuse püsiksid, jätkasin ekstrakti ja kreemi kasutamist veel kaks kuud. Seega kolme kuuga sain võitu nahahaigusest, mida arst oli nimetanud eluaegseks! Imeline!

  2. Estonian


    Olen juba aastaid maadelnud ekseemiga kaelal ja kätel. Arst kirjutas mulle ravimi PREDNISOLON. Alguses sain sellest abi, aga hiljem pidin kogu aeg suurendama ravimi koguseid, kuna selle mõju kadus. Kolm kuud tagasi hakkasin kasutama Farmakoni antioksüdantilist kreemi koos kasekäsna ekstraktiga, nii nagu te mulle soovitasite. Kasutasin nii kreemi kui ekstrakti regulaarselt kaks korda päevas. Juba paari nädala pärast hakkas ekseem silmnähtavalt taanduma, mis julgustas mind kasutama tooteid niikaua kui nahk saab puhtaks.

    Nüüd kui ma teile kirjutan, on minu nahk puhas! Soovitan kõigile, kellel on nahahaigustega probleeme.

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