Ionized Minerals

What does IONIZED mean?
IONIZED: to convert wholly or partly into ions.
ION: An ion is any atom that has a positive or a negative charge. A positively charged ion will seek a negatively charged one to unite with, and then turn into something totally new and available.

Receiving minerals in an IONIZED form is how plants and animals were designed to absorb inorganic minerals!
A better way to get your macro and trace minerals is in ionized form, the form in which plants and mammals are designed to absorb inorganic minerals. To be absorbed, minerals must be reduced to the ionized state (charged particles of elemental minerals). If receive minerals in this form, they are immediately absorbed without intermediate processing. Converting minerals requires stomach acid — something in which many people, and particularly the elderly, tend to be deficient. Ionized minerals CANNOT build up to toxic levels in your body!

Clinical research have shown very clearly that ionized forms of minerals are the ones that the body is able to selectively absorb and utilize. Ionic minerals easily come apart in a watery environment and become either positively charged or negatively charged. The body is very discriminatory. The body knows when it needs minerals in greater amounts and when that happens, the body reaches out for those minerals. The density of the transporter proteins goes up on the intestinal cell surface and the body is actually looking for those minerals.

How are minerals transported to cells?
When mineral compounds are consumed in food, the body must somehow absorb the minerals from the digestive tract and make them available to the tissues and cells where they are needed. The process is not a simple one. The minerals cannot simply diffuse into our tissues and through cell membranes into the interior of cells — if they could, their concentrations would fluctuate in accordance with whatever amounts of minerals we happen to consume at any given time. Instead, the mineral-containing compounds (or ionized mineral atoms taken from these compounds) are transported into (or out of) cells by transporter proteins — molecular devices embedded in cell membranes that recognize the minerals and allow only certain kinds to pass through the membranes. This system permits cells and tissues to regulate their internal concentrations of minerals.

Now those transporters bind those minerals tightly but they need to be ionized. The transporter picks up an ionized form [of the mineral], binds it and immediately pulls it in and then it goes into the bloodstream and is carried to where it is needed. Whatever the charge of a mineral, it still needs to get through a dense, negative charge on the surface of the intestinal cell and it may be that negative charge is designed to keep out certain undesirable agents including undesirable minerals. Transporters have such a high affinity that once an ionized form of a mineral can get into the region, the transporter will pick it up. Ionized minerals are absorbed from 20 to 90% depending on how hungry your body is for specific minerals!


Elemental Minerals, are formed below the surface of the earth and remain in a solid state. For instance, an electrical wire manufacturing company would excavate the ground to locate a “copper vein” of solid rock that would be smelted down and spun into copper wire.
However, when these same elemental minerals of copper which are made into electrical wire, are manufactured into a supplemental form or added to processed food, they cannot pass through the membrane of the human cell because they are too large.
Modern food processing removes all organic minerals and replaces, or “fortifies” with elemental minerals. Breakfast cereals that are “Fortified with 25 Essential Vitamins and Minerals” are the best example of elemental minerals replacing organic. Minerals that are too big for absorption within the cell, will continually float around the blood stream and form circulatory immune complexes. The immune system will attack the oversized minerals as invaders and become compromised of its primary function to fight disease.
The Fulvic Acid Phenomenon is natures way of transforming elemental minerals, located below the surface, into angstrom sized, ionized minerals that become bio-available to the human cell through organic chelating. Fulvic Acids are created by micro-organisms in the soil, for the purpose of transporting minerals and nutrients. The roots of the plant, using Fulvic Acid, acts like a vacuum to draw the elemental minerals into the plant or tree. Only minerals that pass through the root of a plant system are of small enough angstrom size, to penetrate the membrane of the human cell.
Fulvic Acid enhances the availability of nutrients and makes them more readily absorbable. Whenever minerals come into contact with Fulvic Acid, in a water medium, they are naturally dissolved into an ionic form. These minerals literally become part of the Fulvic Acid itself. Once the minerals meld into the Fulvic Acid complex, they become bioactive and bio-available. It also allows minerals to regenerate and prolong the residence time of essential nutrients. It prepares minerals to react with cells. It allows minerals to interact with one another, breaking them down into the simplest ionic forms.

Click here for more information about Humic acid or Fulvic acid.